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ROS Publisher and Subscribers | ROS Noetic Tutorial 2

Design a ROS code for the following Scenario: 

There are two publishers namely Pub1 and Pub2  and there are three subscribers Sub1, sub2 and Sub3.
Pub1 Publishes a topic called \CSE3102 and Sub1 subscribed to it. 
Pub2 publishes a topic called \cse2034 and, sub2, sub3 are subscribed to it. Design a python script for ROS and submit the following details. 

Method of Execution

To begin with, open a terminal and run the following command
$ roscore

Step 1:

Create a folder in the /home/lab21 directory using the command
$ mkdir -p pradeepkumar/src
$ cd pradeepkumar/
$ catkin_make

after the above command, two folders namely build/ and devel/ might have been created.
Now we need to set the PATH for this file devel/setup.bash

One method is to use, the source command when opening a new terminal every time, the
command is

$ source /home/lab21/pradeepkumar/devel/setup.bash
The second method is to include the command in the /home/lab21/.bashrc file, so that the command will
run without any issues when a new terminal is opened.

after the second step, logout and login back in to get the command working and activated else
run the command

$ source .bashrc

Step 2 :

Go to pradeepkumar/src folder and create a catkin package using the following command
$ cd pradeepkumar/src

$ catkin_create_pkg ros_tutorial1 rospy std_msgs
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make

(this time, the make will include the ros_tutorial1 also in to the devel and build libraries)

Step3 - We will be creating two files namely

Create the above files in the folder

And give full permission to run
$ chmod 777 *.py

Step 4 - running the publisher and subscriber, we need to open two windows one for pub and another for sub.

In Terminal 1
Go to
$ cd pradeepkumar/
$ source ./devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun ros_tutorial1
in Terminal 2
Go to
$ cd pradeepkumar/
$ source ./devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun ros_tutorial1

You can see the output of I took ROS Knowledge by the Subscriber and "ROS Knowledge" by the publisher.

$ rqt_graph

will open the graph of all the nodes running under the ROS.

Pub1 code

Publisher 1 

Publisher 2

rqt graph
RQT Graph

Subscriber 1

Subscriber 2

Subscriber 3


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