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Showing posts from July, 2024

ROS Publisher and Subscribers | ROS Noetic Tutorial 2

Design a ROS code for the following Scenario:  There are two publishers namely Pub1 and Pub2  and there are three subscribers Sub1, sub2 and Sub3. Pub1 Publishes a topic called \CSE3102 and Sub1 subscribed to it.  Pub2 publishes a topic called \cse2034 and, sub2, sub3 are subscribed to it. Design a python script for ROS and submit the following details.  Method of Execution To begin with, open a terminal and run the following command $ roscore Step 1: Create a folder in the /home/lab21 directory using the command $ mkdir -p pradeepkumar/src $ cd pradeepkumar/ $ catkin_make after the above command, two folders namely build/ and devel/ might have been created. Now we need to set the PATH for this file devel/setup.bash One method is to use, the source command when opening a new terminal every time, the command is $ source /home/lab21/pradeepkumar/devel/setup.bash The second method is to include the command in the /home/lab21/.bashrc file, so that the command will run wi...

Installation of ROS1 Noetic Robotic Operating System in Ubuntu 20.04 OS | ROS Noetic Tutorial 1

Step 1: What We Need: This will mainly work on Ubuntu 20.04 OS  Support till 2025 May. Name of the ROS: Noetic  For the complete installation step-by-step, you can watch the video given below Step 2: Commands Here are the commands to be used one after the other.  $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' $ sudo apt install curl # if you haven't already installed curl $ curl -s | sudo apt-key add - The above commands add the ROS to the aptitude manager and we can now install ROS1 with simple commands $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev $ sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full The above command needs 370MB of software to be downloaded. So the complete package of ROS installed.  We need some more packages to be installed that can create our own workspaces and manage our o...