Design a ROS code for the following Scenario: There are two publishers namely Pub1 and Pub2 and there are three subscribers Sub1, sub2 and Sub3. Pub1 Publishes a topic called \CSE3102 and Sub1 subscribed to it. Pub2 publishes a topic called \cse2034 and, sub2, sub3 are subscribed to it. Design a python script for ROS and submit the following details. Method of Execution To begin with, open a terminal and run the following command $ roscore Step 1: Create a folder in the /home/lab21 directory using the command $ mkdir -p pradeepkumar/src $ cd pradeepkumar/ $ catkin_make after the above command, two folders namely build/ and devel/ might have been created. Now we need to set the PATH for this file devel/setup.bash One method is to use, the source command when opening a new terminal every time, the command is $ source /home/lab21/pradeepkumar/devel/setup.bash The second method is to include the command in the /home/lab21/.bashrc file, so that the command will run wi...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc