Contiki NG Installation This post shows the contiki NG installation in Ubuntu 20.04 OS. The same instruction will work for Ubuntu 22.04 as well. Requirements: OS - Ubuntu 20.04 Contiki NG OS - Watch the video for complete installation instructions Step 1 : Install the basics Login in to Ubuntu and open the terminal. Give the following command and press enter $ sudo apt install build-essential doxygen git curl wireshark python-serial srecord rlwrap autoconf automake libxmu-dev gcc-msp430 default-jdk ant openjdk-11-jdk Contiki NG Step 2: To install GCC for ARM controller Download the following file and unzip (decompress) it in the home folder (in my case it is /home/pradeepkumar) set the above in the PATH Environment. /home/pradeepkumar/.bashrc to open the above file usin...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc