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Showing posts from April, 2022

VPL Jail Server Installation | Virtual Programming Laboratory with Moodle

Virtual Programming Laboratory (VPL)  This post tells you how to install VPL Jail Server Installation in Ubuntu 20.04 and how to configure it using Moodle Learning Management System. VPL - Virtual Programming Laboratory  For full installation with complete description, follow the video What is VPL? VPL is Virtual Programming Laboratory which is a tool for programming assignments, evaluation and running of programs. The programming languages supported by VPL is C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, NodeJS, Verilog, etc. Step 1 - Install  VPN Jail Server Installation  My Server configuration  16GB RAM and 16 Core PRocessor (Intel Xeon)  Virtual Machine  Ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit OS). To download the softwares  Unzip or untar the above file in the home folder (in my case it is /home/tspradeepkumar/ ) $ cd vpl-jail-system-2.7.2/ $ sudo ./install-vpl-sh VPL Jail Server Installation This will take some tim...