BonnMotion is a tool that generates scenario for ns2, ns3, qualnet, etc. This will comfortably work with Linux. And in windows, there could be some bugs. Please refer the documentation here: h ttp:// To use this tool for ns2, here are the steps. Step1 : Download the BonnMotion tool from this website Step 2: Unzip it to home folder (/home/pradeepkumar in my case) step 3: Here are the commands to install $] unzip -d $] cd bonnmotion-2.1.3/ $] ./install The above command will install, if any packages are missing for dependencies, please install it. $] Once installed, copy the bonnmotion-2.1.3/bin/bm file to /usr/bin/ for running it anywhere. if not go to bin folder using the command given below $] cd bonnmotion-2.1.3/bin/ To run BonnMotion $bonnmotion-2.1.3/bin] ./bm -hm (this will list all the models) $bonnmotion-2.1.3/bin] ./bm -hm RandomWaypoint Will display all the parameters for Ran...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc