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Showing posts from December, 2020

Installing NS-3.32 in Ubuntu 20.04

This is about installing ns version 3.32 in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. #ns3 #ns3 .32 #networksimulation The commands used in the video are given here. $] sudo apt update $] sudo apt install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev python3-pygraphviz cvs mercurial bzr git cmake p7zip-full python3-matplotlib python-tk python3-dev qt5-qmake qt5-default gnuplot-x11 wireshark Download the ns-allinone-3.32.tar.bz2 package from and copy it to /home/ folder See the full video for detailed instructions Extract it either in GUI or using command $] tar jxvf ns-allinone-3.32.tar.bz2 $] cd ns-allinone-3.32/ $] ./ --enable-examples --enable-tests The above command will take some time to install all the packages  You can see the output as shown below ns3 To check whether ns3 installed successfully, use the following commands. $] cd ns-3.32/ $] ./waf --run hello-simulator You should get the output as Hello Simulator $] ./waf --run first This is the example from the ns-3.32...