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Ant Colony algorithm using NS2

Ant Colony Algorithm in NS2 for Wired Networks.

Please follow the video for full instructions 

I am running in Ubuntu 20.04

Ant Colony

There are multiple files in Ant Colony (we use a protocol called Antnet) which i have already included in my blog called 

Lets go to my Blog. And Search for Ant Colony and Download the complete folder AntNet as shown in the video.

Now Copy paste the files in their corresponding location:

My Location if ns2 is 
Inside this folder, the files have to be pasted in differnet sub folders... 
Let me show you one by one... and cmu-trace.h have to be pasted to ~trace/ and drop-tail.h ---- ~queue/ to be replaced in the ns-2.35/ folder.

ns-default.tcl, ns-lib.tcl and ns-packet.tcl to be pasted at 

packet.h to be replaced at common/ folder. and priqueue.h to be pasted at queue/

antnet/ folder have to be copied to ns-2.35/ folder (this is very important as this is the main algorithm.)

Step 2: 
Change the GCC and G++ compiler in the as this is very important, else you might get errors if you leave the default GCC.

Please refer my following video on how to install ns2.35 in ubuntu 20.04.


Change the following lines as given below

CC = gcc-4.8
CPP = g++-4.8

Step 3: Now Compile it
Open a Terminal.
$] cd ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/
$] ./configure
$] make clean
$] make 

This might take some time based on the speed of your computer.
Without errors, successfully installed.... 

Step 4: 
Now lets understand the algorithm and packet structure.

Step 5:
Running the TCL File.

$] ns simpleant.tcl

We got three files and simple.nam and rtable.txt

Use of APP Tool Master.

Ant Colony Algorithm

APP Tools to analyse trace files.

To download the Ant colony algorithm

Thanks for watching my video...


  1. how can i pass a measure the performance of video streaming over mmwave with ns3?

  2. how can i pass a measure the performance of video streaming over mmwave with ns3?

  3. Can you show the implementation in NS3

  4. Dear Dr really u are a wonderful person,i appreciate your motivation to share your knowledge to us.once again 10q.
    i am working in WSN to minimize energy consumption and to maximize the lifetime of the network using clustering algorithm of could u help how to cluster a WSN and make a multi hop routing.

  5. Sir, Can you please explain how to convert this code to run in Ns3.

  6. Dear Sir,
    Can you please explain how to convert this code to run in Ns3.
    How to modifier AODV by integrating ACO to find the optimal path?

  7. Thanks very much Sir, please Sir can you show how to applied antNet to a WSN with NS2.
    Please Dr...


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