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Complete NS2 Tutorial

Complete NS2 Tutorial
To benefit the various students and research scholars who are working in NS2 (Network Simulator 2), this NS2 Tutorial will help you in understanding the basics of NS2 and you can accomplish most of the your simulation using this software. 

Total Duration of the Videos: 11 Hours 
Total Lectures - 25 (More will be added to the following list)
To view the Lectures, Click here to go the Playlist in my Youtube Channel. 

NS2 Tutorial


  1. Your blog is awfully appealing. I am contented with your post. I regularly read your blog and its very helpful. If you are looking for the best Algorithm Interview Questions, then visit TutorialCup. Thanks! I enjoyed this blog post.

  2. Respected Sir,

    I am getting the following error. Can you sort it out.

    farooque@farooque-Vostro-3490:~/Desktop/ns-allinone-3.31/ns-3.31$ ./waf --run scratch/vanet-routing-compare
    Waf: Entering directory `/home/farooque/Desktop/ns-allinone-3.31/ns-3.31/build'
    Waf: Leaving directory `/home/farooque/Desktop/ns-allinone-3.31/ns-3.31/build'
    Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
    'build' finished successfully (1.152s)
    msg="Could not connect callback to /NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/PhyTxDrop", file=../src/core/model/, line=920
    terminate called without an active exception
    Command ['/home/farooque/Desktop/ns-allinone-3.31/ns-3.31/build/scratch/vanet-routing-compare'] terminated with signal SIGIOT. Run it under a debugger to get more information (./waf --run --gdb").

  3. sir can u please post ant based routing algorithm fro manets

  4. sir i tried for TCP congestion control wired network after saving NSG file it gives segmentation fault error how to resolve it

    1. I think there is some error while creating the Application or Agent in the NSG. Either send me the file for correction or try again in NSG to resolve the error.

  5. Respected Sir,
    I am new to ns2. I am planning to work on WBAN energy efficient routing as a part of my PhD.
    Kindly guide me how to start.

  6. can you please make a video 'implementing p2p overlay over manet in ns2 step by step.
    it's a request.

  7. dear sir,
    please can u make a step by step tutorial about p2p protocol over manet.
    please sir.

  8. Hopefully, you will be fine. I am already asked you about the trust based implementation in NS2 for WSN. Please Sir give me your valuable solutions.

  9. good evening sir,
    Can you say how to write awk script to calculate round trip time?


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