How to enable Course Outcomes in Moodle | Moodle 3.9

#Moodle #ELearning #PradeepKumarTS This post is to enable Course outcomes or Learning Outcomes in Moodle Learning Management Systems. This is for Faculty Members or one who teach a course. Steps: 1. Login to Moodle with your username and Password.
Moodle Login

2. Go to Your Course -- Click the Settings ICON -- Click "Outcomes" and select the outcomes of your course. (there will be all course outcomes, select the three or four outcomes of your course and Click Add button so that the Outcomes will be copied from Right to Left )

Moodle Outcomes

Moodle Outcomes
3. Once done, give any activities to the students -- you can see a outcome menu and select the corresponding outcome(s) that the student or learner can attain by doing that activity. 4. During evaluation, You can evaluate the outcomes as well (There will be rubrics like Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average and Fair). The Administrator can customise the above Rubrics according to their convenience. Excellent - 5 point and Fair is 1 point. 5. During the end semester, the grade report can be downloaded with outcomes as well as indicated in the Video.
Outcomes Report


  1. sir i'm installing ns2 in ubuntu 20.04 using your video but after using ./install command I logout the pc and then try to login gain but not able to login even after entering the correct password,it's still showing me enter password and that window login window is showing again please help sir

  2. You might have given a empty space in the .bashrc file and remove unnecessary blank spaces in that file and try again

    To go to the window, use CTL +ALT +F2 and then using terminal mode, go to the /home//.bashrc file and do the changes and save it and exit.. You can login to your OS.
