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Installing Kali Linux 2019 along with Windows 10

Kali Linux along with Windows 10 Kali Linux 2019.
For Detailed Instructions: Please follow the Video Link
Step 1: Have a pen drive or USB Drive of minimum 8GB (16GB Pendrive) Format it to FAT32 Partition. Step 2: Check your Disk Drive Properties. MBR or GPT Master Boot Record, GPT- GUID Partition Table. See the following image, It shows the partition style as "Master Boot Record"
Master Boot Record
Master Boot Record
Step 3: Download bootable Software (RUFUS). Its a powerful USB bootloader creator software. rufus works only with windows. See the following image for rufus window.

Use of DD Mode is preferred instead of ISO Model for Kali Linux (Else you might get an error like CD ROM Detection during installation...).
Use dd MODE as given in the following figure
Rufus Selection of DD or ISO Method.
Step 4: Reboot the system and bring the bootloader. Rebooting now... Step 5 : Press F12 or ESC or F1 as per the Laptop model you have. There will be two options: USB HDD or EFI (Select accordingly). In My case, I have selected USB HDD. Select Graphical Installation and continue the onscreen instructions. Partition need to be done for two logical partitions 1. SWAP Memory - 8GB 2. / - 100GB (I have given 250 GB).

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TORA Protocol in NS-2.35 (NS2)

This post tells you how to enable the TORA (Temporally ordered routing Algorithm) protocol in Network Simulator 2 (ns-2.35)

TORA is a protocol in wireless adhoc networks that works with timing parameters. NS-2.35 comes with the TORA protocol by default but it has to be tweaked manually to make it run.
This post will help you to do that.

You can watch this video for detailed instructions:

Step 1: Generate a Scenario for TORA protoco using NS2 Scenario Generator NSG Software.
We have created a tcl file using NSG2.1.jar

$] java -jar NSG2.1.jar

Three files have to be modified
  • ~ns-2.35/tora/tora.cc
  • ~ns-2.35/tora/tora.h
  • ~ns-2.35/imep/imep.cc
There are various websites that tells you how to configure TORA by making changes to the above three files. 
Change 1: tora.h
In the tora.h file, go to the end of the File before the agent completes, include these two lines

#include <classifier/classifier-port.h>

PortClassifier *dmux_;

Tora.h Change

Change 2: tora.cc
Open the tora.cc and include the following lines in the "int toraAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) " function as indicated in the figure below.
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "port-dmux") == 0) {
       dmux_ = (PortClassifier *)TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);
       if (dmux_ == 0) {
         fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s lookup of %s failed\n", __FILE__, argv[1], argv[2]);
       return TCL_ERROR;
            return TCL_OK;
Tora.cc Change

Change 3: imep.cc
In the file imep.cc, change the following line 

rexmitTimer.start(rexat - CURRENT_TIME);

if (rexat-CURRENT_TIME<0.000001) // Preventing eternal loop.
rexmitTimer.start(rexat - CURRENT_TIME);

IMEP Change

Step 3: 
We need to recompile ns2 using the command make from the folder ns-2.35/

Once the changes are made, Open the Terminal and go to ~ns-2.35 and execute the command  

prompt$] make 

Step 4: Run the tcl file now

$] ns TORA.tcl
This file is generated in Step 1

I will give all these files to you for your simulation.

Copy the tora.cc and tora.h file in your ns-2.35/tora folder

then copy the imep.cc file in to the ns-2.35/imep folder 

and then copy the TORA.tcl file in your home folder or any folder.

Then do the compilation $] make 
and then run the TORA.tcl file using $] ns TORA.tcl

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TORA Protocol Animation

T S Pradeep Kumar