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VANETs using NS3 - Part 1

VANETs using Ns3 and SUMO - Example 1

SUMO, open street maps and VANETS using ns2.

VANETs, SUMO, ns3 and open street Maps.

sumo software - Install this software, refer my previous video
sumo 1.2.x

Check the following video for full instructions.

Compile it from the source. Download sumo.1.2.x....tar.gz
git clone command....

Softwares used:
sumo 1.2.0
OSM - Open street Map (

Step 1
$] cd sumo/tools
$] python

Select the cars, buses, motorcycles, etc.
and generate the scenario,
sumo-gui automatically pops up.

Step 1: Create the Sumo-gui or Sumo configuration file using the above method.
Step 2: Create the mobility.tcl
Step 3: run the file with nodeNum, duration, logFile, etc.
Step 4: Include the NetAnim Code and run the simulation.

Step 2: Mobility.tcl file (How to create)
$] sumo -c osm.sumocfg --fcd-output trace.xml
$] cd && cd sumo/tools
$] python -i trace.xml --ns2mobility-output=mobility.tcl
Now check the number of nodes in the mobility.tcl file which is very important.

Move the mobility.tcl in to the /home folder (/home/pradeepkumar/)

Step 3:
The program is already in the scratch folder.
$]cd ns-allinone-3.29/ns-3.29
$] ./waf --run "scratch/ns2-mobility-trace --traceFile=/home/pradeepkumar/mobility.tcl --nodeNum=1813 --duration=100.0 --logFile=ns2-mob.log"

Step 4: include NetAnim Code

#include "ns3/netanim-module.h"

and include the following line above the Simulator::Run()

AnimationInterface anim("vehicularmobility.xml");

How to run NetAnim
$] cd
$] cd ns-allinone-3.29/netanim-3.108/
$] ./NetAnim

A window will be opened and select the vehicularmobility.xml and file and run the simulation.

You can do the network performance like wireshark, asciitracemetrics using tracemetrics, Gnuplot for plotting the characteristics, etc.,

Thanks for watching the video. Second example using VANET using ns3...... next week.

Thank you, subscribe and share.


  1. sir please i want congestion detection and avoidance scheme for VANETs code and explanation

  2. Replies
    1. Hi sir. would you please send me VANET code using NS3 and SUMo? my E-mail is:

  3. Sir,
    why this error is coming when i am adding mobility to nodes in
    NSG.How to rectify it.

    num_nodes is set 7
    ns: _o14 setdest 500 500 :
    (_o14 cmd line 1)
    invoked from within
    "_o14 cmd setdest 500 500"
    invoked from within
    "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
    invoked from within
    "if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
    set cls [$self info class]
    global errorInfo
    set savedInfo $errorInfo
    error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
    (procedure "_o14" line 2)
    (SplitObject unknown line 2)
    invoked from within
    "_o14 setdest 500 500 "

  4. sir pls iwant blackhole attack prevention in VANET code
    my email:

  5. i am getting this error while i was running vanet-routing-compare with DSR
    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    0x00007ffff7ba989d in ns3::Object::GetObject (this=0x0) at ./ns3/object.h:463

  6. sami@sami-HP-EliteBook-8540p:~/ns-allinone-3.28/ns-3.28$ ./waf --run "ns2-mobility-trace --traceFile=/home/sami/mobility.tcl --nodeNum=4184 --duration=200.0 --logFile=ns2-mob.log"
    invalid lock file in /home/sami/ns-allinone-3.28/ns-3.28
    The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!

  7. msg="Could not connect callback to /NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/PhyTxDrop", file=../src/core/model/, line=920
    terminate called without an active exception
    Command ['/home/czoghlam/ns-allinone-3.31/ns-3.31/build/scratch/vanet-routing-compare'] terminated with signal SIGIOT. Run it under a debugger to get more information (./waf --run --gdb").

  8. sir please i also want this project, help me. thank you my email is

  9. sir please i want congestion/jamming detection and avoidance scheme for VANETs code and explanation, i am a student currently working on this project. email is

  10. msg="could not open trace file /home/maher/mobility.tcl for reading, aborting here ", file=../src/mobility/helper/, line=189 terminate called without an active exception


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