Today Session on Wired Cum Wireless Networks using ns2. You can watch the following lecture before understanding this lecture. Watch Wireless Networks - Watch Wired Networks - Number of Wireles snodes is 7 Wired nodes - 2 Accesspoint or Base Stations - 2 Watch the full video for this example this example is already avaialble in tcl/ex folder. The same example I have taken but modified to my design... How to generate Scenario and Traffic generation (connection Pattern) To generate the connection pattern, here is the steps Open the terminal and go to the folder $] cd /home/pradeepkumar/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen and run this command $] ns cbrgen.tcl -type tcp -nn 7 -seed 1 -mc 20 -rate 0.001 for 7 nodes, type of traffic is TCP, random seed is 1, maximum connection is 20 and the rate is 1ms or 0.001 ...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc