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Comparison of AODV, DSR and DSDV in ns2 - NS2 Tutorial # 9

Performance Evaluation of Adhoc Routing Protocols using NS2

Very old Project as well as a topic, but this will give an idea of how to compare multiple protocols or agents.

1 hour Project*

See the video for the full project

* - you should know ns2 already
should know how to write AWK scripts
Should know about energy model
Should know about wireless networks and protocols

To know the above concepts, check my Ns2 Lecture series videos in Youtube and come back to this video

AODV - Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector
DSDV - Destination Sequenced Distance Vector
DSR - Dynamic Source Routing

Lcture 8 - AWK Scripts
Average throughput
Instant throughput
Residual Energy
Packet Delivery ratio

To download the source codes, visit

Going inside the project

Step 1:
Use the same network and same disntace, energy, etc when you compare multiple protocols

Step 2:
Generate Scenario, You need not write the code in TCL (of course you can modify).
We use NSG for creating a network. Refer my lecture series on NSG (NS2 scenario Generator)

$] java -jar NSG2.1.jar

As seen in the GUI, Create a network (for example with 17 nodes) and two nodes are moving
with a interference of 550 metres and tranmission range of 250metres.

Create a network with a AODV protocol

Create two copies of AODV protocol and name it as DSR.tcl and DSDV.tcl

$] cp AODV.tcl DSR.tcl
$] cp AODV.tcl DSDV.tcl

Three files are ready now called
AODV.tcl, DSR.tcl, DSDV.tcl

and now these three files using ns filename.tcl

$] ns AODV.tcl
$] ns DSR.tcl
$] ns DSDV.tcl
I have the three files and got 9 files namely, and
AODV.nam, DSDV.nam and DSR.nam

There is no energy coding, i need to implement that

DSR does not obey the queue model as specified for AODV,
Queue/DropTail/PriQueue  is not supported by DSR, we have to go for CMUPriQueue

DSR supports this queue called CMUPriQueue, it should reflect in the tcl code.

All the tcl files run successfully. now we are going to analyse the results and sometime plot the graphs too.

we have already written AWK scripts for Average throughput, instant throughput , residual energy and packet delivery ratio


To run these scripts we need awk interpreter as below

$] gawk -f resenergy.awk
$] gawk -f resenergy.awk
$] gawk -f resenergy.awk

Whenvern you compare multiple protocols
Use three different sets of nodes

Small number of nodes (10 nos)
Medium number of nodes (20 to 30 nos)
Huge number of nodes (upto 100)

beyond 100 nodes, ns2 suffers.

in this case, we did it for 17 nodes only. You can do the rest.
So we are coming to the conclusion

Comparing protocols needs
1. Three minimum protocols (AODV, DSR, DSDV)
TCP, TCPReno, TCPVegas, FullTCP
2. number of nodes (small, medium and huge) as mentioned above, 10 nodes, 30 nodes, 100 nodes
3. Atleast three performance metrics, in this case we have, average throghput, instant througput, residual energy and packet delivery ratio
4. Strong knowledge on the protocols
5. AWK scripts to be known or atleast to be downloaded.
6. Design the network rather than coding the network, use scenario generators for ns2.

Our project is complete!!! Stay tuned
Share and subscribe my youtube channel

Thank you !!! More lectures to come!!!!

Download the TCL Codes from here

T S Pradeep Kumar


  1. can you please clear, where you have specified total packet size sending in awk script so that you are receiving 445 as a received packet during the calculation of avg. throughout?

  2. can you please guide me, where you have specified total packet size sending in awk script so that you are receiving 445 as a received packet during the calculation of avg. throughout?

  3. Is there a way to implement Buffer Node and No Buffer Node scheme? Can u please make a tutorial on that?

  4. thanks Dr. you are the best lecture.


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