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How to add a Protocol in ns2 - NS2 Tutorial #13

How to add a new protocol in ns2

I am going to use the version ns-2.35
protoname was one of the best unicast routing protocol for ns2.


Protoname -> Simp


protoname -> simp

you can download the  source code from https://www.nsnam.com

There are totally 5 files in the source code

protoname.cc converted to simp.cc 

protoname.h -> simp.h 

protoname_pkt.h -> simp_pkt.h 

protoname_rtable.cc -> simp_rtable.cc 

protoname_rtable.h -> simp_rtable.h

New Protocol Implementation

In this new protocol,  we have to

1. Add the source code (the 5 files given above)

2. existing code modification (within ns2)

3. Make an entry in the Makefile.in

4. Recompile ns2

5. Test the protocol using a TCL file.

Addition of source code is done.

Existing code modification - Very important.

in ns2, inforamtion about compilation is scattered... we need to make modifications at multiple locations. What are the files that are needed for modification.

all the file locations are here.

To add a packet data


to add OTCL Data




To add Tracing data



To maintain or add a queue



We are going to add a packet called as PT_SIMP...

we are done with packet.h


ns-default.tcl (1 modifications)

ns-packet.tcl (3 modifications)

ns-lib.tcl (2 modifications)

queuing is done in

priqueue.cc (1 modification)

Finally, trace

cmu-trace.cc and cmu-trace.h also done.

Now recompiling ns2.

Before that, copy the source code in to ns2's path.

we have to create a folder simp/ inside the ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/

paste all the files in the above folder.

Make an entry in the Makefile.in, in the variable called as OBJ_CC=/

Make the entry only for the .cc files and not for the .h files.

We have 5 total files, but only two .cc files, so it is enough to make an entry for the two .cc files alone as given below

    simp/simp.o simp/simp_rtable.o \

An entry is made in Makefile.in

Now, compile it using the command

$] ./configure

$] make

To check whether the compilation is successful, check for the .o files according to the .cc files.

Here we have two .o files  called



Now testing the protocol with a tcl file. LEt us do that now...

The name of the tcl file is simp.tcl

$] ns simp.tcl

It is my home folder (/home/pradeepkumar/)

Success for getting the output.

Thanks for watching my youtube videos.

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To download the soruce codes, please follow https://www.nsnam.com

Stay tuned for more lectures..

Download the source code here. 

T S Pradeep Kumar


  1. Hello professor Pradeep Kumar.
    I watched this video and some others you have published and I can say your the best network and ns2 tutor as far as I know.
    unfortunately. I coudnt find the source codes of this tutorial. I dont if they are missing or I cant find them.
    I am in immediate need for them. It would be great if you leave a reply.
    thanks for your videos and for your efforts

  2. Great Sir, Thanks
    for stepwise description for making the process simpler

  3. sir, please upload a video on how to simulate cognitive radio network in ns2.

  4. hello Sir,
    we have been trying this example but we have ns2.30 installed in our system so kindly provide us guidance how to run the same on ns2.30 version.


  5. Where can we learn in details how to create our own agent?

  6. Sir please upload fuzzy logic implementation in ns2.

  7. how to add DSRC protocol in NS2.35
    i saw your youtube videos tutorial but getting an error while compiling ns sinleBroadcast.tcl
    .o files missing

    1. did you find any solution I get the same error
