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AODV simulation in NS2 (Part 1) - NS2 Tutorial # 11

Lecture 11 - AODV - Part 1
Todays topic on AODV protocol

AODV - Adhoc Ondemand Distance Vector
the location of the source code for Aodv is in the folder


My suggestion is
Always try to understand the header file first.. later you can move on to source file (.cc files)
I will go through aodv.h file first and then file next....
let me explain....

I should know where my work is residing, for example in AODV

should I work on

  • Routing Table
  • Energy Management
  • Quality oif Service
  • Link Failure
  • Logs or tracing
  • Neighbour management
  • Attacks (Black hole, gray hole, etc...)
  • Security

so prefer to stay at the header files first...
Now the action begins.
how do i modify the AODV protocol as per my small piece of algorithm...
I would like to print the nodes that are forwarding the packets.
Two information will be recorded in a text file separately..

Name of the file: aodv_output.dat data recorded will be: forwarded packet, node index (node number).

For this, please open the aodv.h and file.

Step 1:
add a variable called as pkt_count as an integer in protected scope inside the aodv.h file.

int pkt_count;
Step 2:

Initialize pkt_count with a value 0 in the file (preferably in the constructor)


Step 3:

Since I am going to get the packet counts in a file, i need to create a file pointer. But first let me get the data in the terminal itself. later i will create it in the file.

Also, only during the forwarding of packets, i am going to get the count, so my code will be running inside the forward() function.

Add the following line to the forward() function of

printf("I am packet no %d and from node number %d\n",pkt_count++,index);

Step 4:
Now recompile ns2 using the command make

$] cd ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/

$] make

Once, there are no errors, your code is compiled successfully....

Then, run any wireless tcl script that has the routing protocol as AODV.
I am running AODV.tcl file that was generated in LEcture number 9.

to run that just
$] ns AODV.tcl

$] nam AODV.nam

I need to get this output in a file called as aodv_output.dat
How to do that... Again the same step open, and aodv.h

Declare a file pointer inside the aodv.h file

FILE *fp;

Initialize this file pointer in constructor

fp = fopen ("aodv_output.dat","w");

include the following line in the forward() function of

fprintf(fp,"I am packet no %d and from node number %d\n",pkt_count++,index);

and run the AODV.tcl file and check for a file called aodv_output.dat is created in the same folder where the AODV.tcl is residing.

Thank you for watching..
To download the codes, visit

and share and subscribe to my youtube channel
Stay Tuned for more lectures...

T S Pradeep Kumar


  1. Hello ,
    I' do not see the printf in the terminal, can you help me please

  2. Sir, I can not find the codes. Please help me out with a link.

    1. i also cannot find codes here. Please help me out to find codes

    2. there is no source code for AODV simulation ns2

  3. how can i adding function into file

  4. sorry to not answer your question but i am comming with another problem which is: how to implement the tesla protocol in ad hoc network in ns2.

  5. Why the whole procedure so error while each step i take perfectly.

  6. Sir fprintf text file not create while its recompile successfully. Any solution??

  7. i didnt find the code source aodv.tcl


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