LEcture 6 - Ns2 Energy Model Wireless NEtworking in ns2 By default, nodes have infinite energy, to make it finite, we need to implement energy model. in the node config we need to include the following lines -energyModel "EnergyModel" \ -initialEnergy 3.0 \ -txPower 0.9 \ -rxPower 0.5 \ -idlePower 0.45 \ -sleepPower 0.05 \ Energy (joules) = Power (Watts) * Time (sec) www.nsnam.com for downloading the source codes Also subscribe to my youtube channel www.youtube.com/tspradeepkumar Thanks for watching. Stay Tuned for more Lectures... Subscribe and Share. Copy the Source Code here #Lecture 6 #Example of Wireless networks #Step 1 initialize variables #Step 2 - Create a Simulator object #step 3 - Create Tracing and animation file #step 4 - topography #step 5 - GOD - General Operations Director #step 6 - Create nodes #Step 7 - Create Channel (Communication PATH) #step 8 - Position of the nodes...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc