This post shows you how to plot using gnuplot for producing/creating graphs. Usually these graphs are used to publish in papers like journals/conferences.
Gnuplot tutorial on handling data files.
Installation of gnuplot
$] sudo apt install gnuplot
Two files for plotting a graph in gnuplot
File1: mydata.txt
1 34.5 45 12000
2 36.4 34 24000
3 38.7 22 34000
4 32.3 18 43000
5 41.5 24 23456
6 35.6 36 12345
7 24.5 67 67987
8 56.7 54 45678
9 62.3 27 32123
10 65.4 33 8999
File2: mygnucode.plt
set terminal pdf
set output "pradeep.pdf"
set title "Drivers Data"
set xlabel "Number of Days"
set ylabel "Drivers Info"
plot "mydata.txt" using 1:2 with impulse title "Speed km/hr" lw
2,"mydata.txt" using 1:3 with points title "Age" lw 2
set terminal png size 600,400
set output "salary.png"
set title "Drivers Data"
set xlabel "Number of Driver"
set ylabel "Drivers Salary"
plot "mydata.txt" using 1:4 with linespoints title "Salary in Rs."
lw 2, 20000 title "Minimum Salary"
Please see the following video for step by step instructions.
Gnuplot Tutorial - Research
Gnuplot video is successful to plot 2d graphs.
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