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Showing posts from March, 2016 reached 1 million pageviews

Thanks to all readers, students, researchers and others for 1 million pageviews in these 4 years. Though this number is not so huge for 4 years, but the tool in which my website displays attracts readers from across the globe. This blog showcases tools, techniques, source codes, how tos related to ns2, ns3, omnet++, etc. Here are some statistics over these years. Here is the map of our readers Almost the entire world peoples have visited my blog. Top 10 Countries Top 10 Countries Some points about visitors 53% males and 47% females maximum viewers are from the age group 18 to 24 58% new visitors and 42 % returning visitors Top 3 posts 2011/11/ns2-ns-235-installation-in-ubuntu-1110.html 2013/03/awk-scripts-for-ns2-to-process-data.html Thanks again to all the readers... Keep visiting my blog. T S Pradeep Kumar