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Blogging and Google Adsense get me a DSLR Camera

By blogging and Google Adsense, my long time wish have come true that I got an DSLR (Nikon D5100). 
Nikon D5100

Blogging is a word that seems to be a "No man's Land" when I started this blog in 2006. Yes I started this blog mainly for providing lecture notes to my students. Initially I started this with and a year later, I purchased (this website) and shared contents. 
Initially I was not bothered about the ranking, search engine optimisation (SEO), page rank, etc. My main motive was to create content for the student community. Slowly, I improvise my contents to satisfy the global readers too. The topics that covered in my domains play a vital role in the provide information to open source research community. 
The topics of interest are 
  • Network simulator 2
  • Linux
  • Open Source Technologies
  • Wordpress
  • PHP, MySQL
  • Real TIme Systems
  • Embedded systems,
  • Java and etc.
This website was hacked twice and contents gets deleted. So I moved to Blogger for sometime.
Google updates the search engine algorithms many a times during these years, my website never get punished by the google search algorithms as the contents are original and the contents are for the readers and not for the search engines. Also I spend much of time in creating the contents, lecture notes, video tutorials, etc.
I started another blog in the year 2011 (Pageviews so far 651,449)  to cater the needs of the networking research community. (#nsnamcom) hosts mainly contents related to 
  • C,C++
  • Linux
  • NS2
  • NS3
  • tracegraph
  • xgraph
  • and other open source tools
It got huge visitors and pageviews. In the initial days, I paid the hosting charges on my own, later through Google Adsense, I enrolled in their program and they pay me now for running my websites for the hosting and domain charges.

Those who want to do blogging,
  • identify your niche areas (Photography, fashion, cooking, technology, gadgets, cinema, making money, blogging stuffs, research, etc)
  • learn the stuff
  • create contents.
  • And be original, dont copy content from anywhere
  • Enrol yourself in any of the advertising platforms like (adsense, infolinks, admob, etc)
  • Dont make your website idle, Write post atleast once a day or week (Its like a shop, if you dont open for a week, the customers may go somewhere else)
  • And Write for the readers and not for the search engines.
Happy blogging!!!!
T S Pradeep Kumar


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