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Showing posts from September, 2014

SUMO and MOVE Example Traffic Simulation

This post will show you the example of SUMO and MOVE using the Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit) operating system. Requirements: MOVE.jar (This software will work only with sumo version 0.12.3). SUMO (0.12.3)   jdk (To run MOVE) The command to run MOVE.jar is $] java -jar MOVE.jar Here is the screenshot of all the images. My Own Road with Traffic Signals  The above diagram shows there are 6 junctions (0 to 5) and the Traffic signals are at 1,2,4 and 5. There are roads connecting the junctions. Each Road has two lanes named R for Right, L for Left, U for Up and D for down. R12 indicates a lane from 1 to 2 and L12 indicates 2 to 1 To create simulation using MOVE, The following options in MOVE.jar have to be implemented.   Mobility Model Node (file.nod.xml) Edge (file.edge.xml) Configuration (file.netc.cfg) Create Map ( Flow (file.flow.xml) Turn (file.turn.xml) Create Vehicle (file.rou.xml) Configuration (file.sumo.cfg) - This fi...

Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) in Ubuntu 12.04

This post will tell you how to install SUMO 0.12.3 version in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Also this post will tell you how to use MOVE for generating VANETs Simulation scenario. OS Used: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64 bit) Sumo Version : 0.12.3 MOVE.jar (For this to work, Java runtime environment to be installed) (Also MOVE.jar will support only SUMO 0.12.3). The latest version of SUMO (at the time of writing this post) is sumo 0.21. Points to be noted: Its always better to use the latest software, but to begin with SUMO needs XMl files are roads, edges, vehicle routes, etc. So MOVE.jar file is just helping in creating the xml files needed by SUMO. But the recent versions of SUMO (0.21) and etc, the XML files are to be generated manually by means of any external xml editors or simply using gedit or vim. Also, the Ubuntu package manager comes default with sumo and sumo-gui command (that can be installed using the command sudo apt-get install sumo ,  but the python scripts like randomTrips.p...

Prerequisites for learning NS2

At many places, I happen to see researchers and students wanted to use Windows for NS2 rather than Linux. The reason may be, Linux is tough It occupies more space and more memory in my Computer Linux uses lot of commands and i am not aware of it Tough to handle dual boot OS (windows and Linux) always wanted to be in the cakewalk. (never try a new thing) etc ns2 installation in Linux But here are some basic tips for using NS2 under a Linux Machine. It is enough to know some basic Linux commands to work with NS2 (hardly not more than 20 commands) One should have a basic knowledge of how tree structure in Linux/Unix look like Finally, where to set the PATH information in Linux With all the above three, one can confidentially work on Linux. As for as windows is concerned, upto NS2.27 version is tested under windows and recent versions there is no hope (however it will work fine, but “Use at your Own Risk”) Now we will see some basic Linux commands that are needed f...

Contiki OS - An Operating System and Framework for IOT (Internet Of Things)

This article is published in the "Open Source For you" magazine in India in this month September 2014. This article is under the creative commons license. For any queries related to this software, please input your queries through the comment section of this page. Introduction to Contiki OS Contiki is an open source operating system for connecting the tiny low cost microcontrollers, sensors to the internet. Contiki is preferred because it supports the various internet standards, rapid development, selection of hardware, active community to help and commercial support altogether with a open source license.  Contiki is designed for tiny devices and thus the memory footprint is very less when compared with other systems, it supports the Full TCP with IPv6, it handles power awareness where in the device power management is handled by the OS, all the modules of Contiki is loaded and unloaded during the run time,  it implements protothreads, uses a light weight file sys...