
Installing PyViz in NS3

This post tells the method to install PyViz (or visualizer module) in ns3. Visualize is a module that shows the output in the form of animation and there are some packages need to be installed.
For installation of ns3, you may refer this link: http://www.nsnam.com/2014/08/ns3-installation-in-linux-mint-17.html
For another Animation NetAnim installation, follow this link: http://www.nsnam.com/2014/08/installing-netanim-software-for-ns3-in.html

Steps to install PyViz (visualizer)
1. Open the termina and execute the command one by one
pradeep@localhost $] sudo apt-get install python-dev python-kiwi python-pygoocanvas python-pygraphviz
pradeep@localhost $]  sudo apt-get install python-gnome2 python-gnomedesktop python-rsvg
Once installed, go to the ns-allinone-3.20 folder and execute this command 
pradeep@localhost $] cd ns-allinone-3.20
pradeep@localhost $] ./build.py --enable-examples --enable-tests

Thus "visualize" is installed successfully.
the general command to run the visualize is 
./waf --run myprogram --vis 
./waf --run myprogram --visualize

To see the output in the visualizer, here is the step
pradeep@localhost $] cd ns-allinone-3.20/ns-3.20
pradeep@localhost $] ./waf --run examples/tutorial/third --vis 
pradeep@localhost $] ./waf --run examples/tutorial/third --visualize 
Here is the screenshot of the visualize.

visualize on NS3

T S Pradeep Kumar


  1. after typing these lines .. ./build.py --enable-examples --enable-tests

    i got

    Modules not built (see ns-3 tutorial for explanation):
    brite click openflow

    so how can i build the modules..plz help me sir

  2. error pyvizvisualiser : notenabled while checking ./bake.py check command

  3. error pyviz vizualiser : not enabled(python bindings are needed but not enabled) please help me sir
