Introduction to GreenCloud Simulator GreenCloud is a packet level simulator that uses the existing Network Simulator 2 (NS2) libraries for energy-aware data centers for cloud computing. It models the various entities of cloud such as servers, switches, links for communication and their energy consumption. It can be helpful in developing solutions for resource monitoring and allocation, scheduling workloads for number of users, optimizing the protocols used for communication and also provide solutions for network switches. The data center upgradation or extension may be decided using this tool. NS2 uses two languages C++ and Otcl (Tool Command Language). The commands from TCL are usually passed to C++ using an interface TclCL. GreenCloud uses 80% of the coding is done using C++ (TclCL Classes) and remaining 20% coding is implemented using Tcl scripts (Commands are sent from Tcl to C++). GreenCloud is developed by University of Luxembourg and released under the General Public Licen...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc