This post is helpful for you to find out the receiving threshold values of various propagation models for certain communication distance. By default, ns2 uses a distance of 1.5m (the antenna is just placed 1.5m above the node ground). Suppose if someone needs to calculate the factor when the distance of the antenna is placed 10m above the ground, then the default value changes. NS2 has an inbuilt mechanism to calculate the distance for certain communication range using the file in ~ns-2.35/indep-utils/propagation/ The file is not having any OTcl linkages, its a conventional C++ file that can be compiled using the command g++ Before compiling the file, there are some changes in the file. 1. Change the #include<iostream.h> to #include <iostream> 2. Include the following two lines #include <string.h> using namespace std; Once the changes are made, compile the file using the command g++ -o threshold
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc