Fedora 19 was launched last fortnight and it released with so many new features http://pradeepkumar.org/2013/07/fedora-19-features.html
To install Network Simulator 2 (ns-2.35), here are the steps to do it. For other OS, here is the installation instructions.
in Linux Mint/Ubuntu 13.04 http://www.nsnam.com/2013/01/installation-of-network-simulator-2-ns.html
Here comes the instructions for NS-2.35 in Fedora 19.
Installation Instructions
OS Used: Fedora 19 – 64 bit DVD Version http://www.fedoraproject.org
NS2: ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz from http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/
Step 1: Copy the ns2 source file in to the home/ directory (always use the home directory and use ordinary user login)
Step 2: unzip or untar the contents from the source file using the commands one by one
cd /home/pradeepkumartar zxvf ns-allione-2.35.tar.gzcd ns-allinone-2.35
Step 3: The default installation of fedora 19 does not handle the developmental software and has to be installed separately. Here is the command to do that. (You must switch on your internet connection to download the software). Also see the screenshot
su (You should be the super user to install the new software, provide the super user password when prompted)
yum install libX11-devel tcl tk gcc-c++ libXt-devel
Step 4: Once the installation of the softwares are over, go back to step 2 and give the following command
./install (see a dot in front of the / )
Step 5: The installation will run for more than 5 minutes (see the snapshot below) and it will show the path settings. You need to set tow paths (PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH) for successful running of ns,nam and xgraph
Step 6: Set the paths in the file (/home/pradeepkumar/.bash_profile) as shown below
export PATH=$PATH:list/of/paths/separated/by/a/colon:/another/path/hereexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/list/of/path/supplied/by/ns2/software:/another/path/here
Step 7: execute the .bash_profile using the command
source /home/pradeepkumar/.bash_profile
Step 8: check ns or nam by typing either ns or nam in the terminal
% indicates ns interpreter is running
an animation window will pop out. You may get an error in ~ns-2.35/linkstate/ls.h file which can corrected by changing the erase{ to this->erase{ in the 137th line.
% indicates ns interpreter is running
an animation window will pop out. You may get an error in ~ns-2.35/linkstate/ls.h file which can corrected by changing the erase{ to this->erase{ in the 137th line.
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