Fedora 19 was launched last fortnight and it released with so many new features http://pradeepkumar.org/2013/07/fedora-19-features.html To install Network Simulator 2 (ns-2.35), here are the steps to do it. For other OS, here is the installation instructions. in Fedora 18, http://www.nsnam.com/2013/03/installing-ns-235-network-simulator-2.html in Linux Mint/Ubuntu 13.04 http://www.nsnam.com/2013/01/installation-of-network-simulator-2-ns.html Here comes the instructions for NS-2.35 in Fedora 19. Installation Instructions OS Used: Fedora 19 – 64 bit DVD Version http://www.fedoraproject.org NS2: ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz from http:// www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ Step 1: Copy the ns2 source file in to the home/ directory (always use the home directory and use ordinary user login) Step 2: unzip or untar the contents from the source file using the commands one by one cd /home/pradeepkumar tar zxvf ns-allione-2.35.tar.gz cd ns-allinone-2.35 Step 3...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc