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Installing ns-2.29 in Ubuntu 12.04

Off late, we try to use(install) a old software in a new Operating System for want of backward compatibility or to survey.  This following post shows you how to install ns-2.29 in Ubuntu 12.04.

Unlike other ns2 installations, this installation has so many errors, warnings and patchings. Once everything is overcome, ns installs successfully

Step 1: Download and untar ns-2.29 from this link (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nsnam/files/allinone/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-allinone-2.29.3.tar.gz/download)

Step 2: install the necessary dependancy packages using the command "sudo apt-get install build-essential libxmu-dev autoconf automake" (without quotes). This will install the necessary developmental packages

Step 3: Since ns-2.29 is older software, some of the pointer conversion have to be changed inside ns-2.29

Step 4: go to terminal, point to the location of ns-allinone-2.29 using the command "cd ~/ns-allinone-2.29/" and type "./install"

Step 5: there may be the following errors during the installation, please correct one by one

1. OTcl-1.11 error make failed.

for this error, open the file under the folder otcl-1.11/configure.in and go to line number  

Change the following block to 



        SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"





        SHLIB_LD="gcc -shared"
2. tclcl-1.17 error, in line number 566 of Tcl.cc file (~tclcl-1.17/Tcl.cc) (See the upper case Tcl.cc)
change the following to 
char *p = strchr(localName, '(');
this following line
char *p =const_cast<char*>( strchr(localName, '('));
3. there will be so many errors in the queue/ folder (~ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29/queue/), there may be some pointer conversion errors
Error 1:
queue/red.cc:877:41: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
make: *** [queue/red.o] Error 1
In queue/red.cc at 874 line
Change the following to
if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "cur_max_p"))==NULL) ) {
if (((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) &&
       ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) &&
        ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) &&
       ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "cur_max_p")))==NULL) ) {

Error 2:
queue/rio.cc:568:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
queue/rio.cc:569:39: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
queue/rio.cc:570:40: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
queue/rio.cc:571:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
make: *** [queue/rio.o] Error 1

in queue/rio.cc and in line number 565 
 find the following lines
if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "in_ave")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "out_ave")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "in_prob")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "out_prob")) == NULL) &&
   ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL)) {

and replace these lines
if (((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) &&
       ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "in_ave"))) == NULL) &&
        ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "out_ave"))) == NULL) &&
       ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) &&
        ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "in_prob"))) == NULL) &&
        ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "out_prob"))) == NULL) &&
        ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL)) {
Error 3: 
queue/pi.cc:316:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
queue/pi.cc:317:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
make: *** [queue/pi.o] Error 1

in queue/pi.cc at line number 316
Find these lines and 
if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) &&
    ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL)) {
replace with these lines

 if (((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) &&
        ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL)) {

Error 4:
queue/vq.cc: In member function ‘virtual void Vq::trace(TracedVar*)’:
queue/vq.cc:333:35: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
make: *** [queue/vq.o] Error 1
Find the following line and
if ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) {
replace this line
if ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) {

Error 5
queue/rem.cc:337:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
queue/rem.cc:338:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
make: *** [queue/rem.o] Error 1

In queue/rem.cc: in line number 336
Find the following lines and 
if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) &&
    ((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) &&
    ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL)) {

replace these lines
if (((p =const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) &&
       ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) &&
       ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL)) {

Error 6: 
queue/gk.cc:207:35: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
make: *** [queue/gk.o] Error 1

In queue/gk.cc in line number 207
find the following line and 
if ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) {
 replace this line
if ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) {
Step 6: Once the errors are corrected, go back to ns-allinone-2.29 and press ./install and see whether the installation is successful
Step 7: Set the PATH information in /home/pradeep/.bashrc and  execute "source .bashrc"
Check whether ns and nam are working (for me nam was not working, Since mine is ubuntu I installed NAM separately using "sudo apt-get install nam"
Thats all!!!!.


  1. I succesfuulyinstal otcl but getting error in tcl.This is the error i am getting...

    Tcl.cc: In member function ‘void Tcl::eval(char*)’:
    Tcl.cc:182:8: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    Tcl.cc: In member function ‘int TclObject::traceVar(const char*, TclObject*)’:
    Tcl.cc:421:50: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    Tcl.cc: In static member function ‘static int TclClass::create_shadow(ClientData, Tcl_Interp*, int, const char**)’:
    Tcl.cc:509:57: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    Tcl.cc:511:61: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    Tcl.cc: In static member function ‘static int TclClass::dispatch_instvar(ClientData, Tcl_Interp*, int, const char**)’:
    Tcl.cc:566:54: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token
    Tcl.cc:571:72: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    Tcl.cc: In member function ‘virtual void TclClass::bind()’:
    Tcl.cc:603:60: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    Tcl.cc:605:60: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
    make: *** [Tcl.o] Error 1
    tclcl-1.17 make failed! Exiting ...

    1. See the post, it contains the info to correct the Tcl.cc error.

  2. Thank You very Much Sir for sharing such a nice and useful material. Help me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Babar Shah
    PhD scholar

  3. Thankz a lott SIR, itz working

  4. Thank you very much, sir, I have successfully installed NS2.29 on the ubuntu16.04 system through your solution.
