Finding the Node Position, speed and Velocity of a Node while using AODV Steps 1. ~ns-2.34/aodv/aodv.h include the following header line in aodv.h 1: #include<mobilenode.h> 2.In protected scope declare the variables you would be using to store the node parameters. 1: double xpos; 2: double ypos; 3: double zpos; 4: double iEnergy; 5: int node_speed; 6: MobileNode *iNode; 7: FILE *fp; 3.In initialize the declared variables. 1: xpos = 0.0; 2: ypos = 0.0; 3: zpos = 0.0; 4: node_speed = 0; 5: iEnergy=0.0; 6: fp=fopen( "pradeep.csv" , "w" ); 7: MobileNode *iNode; 4.Finally access the required functions from mobilenode.h . Paste the following lines in the AODV::forward() function //Code by pradeepkumar /***This code retrieves node position*****/ fprintf(fp, "Position is, X, Y, Z, Velocity is, X, Y, Z, Velocity, Node Speed, Energy \n" ); iNode = (MobileNode*) (Node::get_node_by_...
Its all about Network Simulations (NS2, NS3), Internet of Things, Sensor Networks, Programming, Embedded Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, etc