
xgraph Error (dialog.c)

If you are installing ns2 allinone package in fedora or ubuntu or any other linux, all the packages will be installed successfully. Occasionally the recent distributions of Linux flavors failed to install xgraph.


The possible error you may get is [dialog.o] error,


  1. Open the file dialog.c which is available under the folder xgraph-12.1/ (this is in my case)
  2. Find out the function getline() (will be at two places), usually line number 780 and 891 or 889, replace getline() function to newgetline() (at the both the places)
  3. save the file and at the prompt give ./configure
  4. give the command make
  5. If there are no errors, xgraph will work now..


  1. hello sir, i have installed ns2.34 on fedora 14. while executing xgraph an error occured :command not found.
    i have implemented above mentioned solution but m not able to understand where to give ./configure command on prompt either in folder ns2.34 or xgraph folder..plz help me out

  2. hello sir, i have installed ns2 allinone package successfully, but while executing xgraph command it is showing "xgraph command not found" error.
    i m not getting where is the error. please help me on this ...

    1. have you tried correcting this (dialog.c) error. if not do it, else tell me which OS, which ns2 version you tried.

    2. sir iam having ubuntu 18 OS,
      and iam uanble to open dialog.o file,
      Please suggest me how to open

  3. hello sir
    iam getting the error for graph installation as
    ~/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.35/xgraph-12.2$ ./xgraph
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    please help me
