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Installing Omnet++ in Windows 7

Installing Omnet++ in windows is a very easy task

Step 1:

Click the following link and download Omnet++ along with MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows – this gives the look and feel of Linux inside windows, it is similar like cygwin)


Step 2:

Unzip the file to C:/

(Now your folder looks like this C:\omnetpp-4.1)

Step 3:

Open Command prompt and go to C:\omnetpp-4.1 (The command is cd \ and cd omnetpp-4.1)

Now type the command mingwenv.cmd and press enter (Please type the commands as given in the following pic)


Step 4 :

A new window will be opening which looks like a Linux Shell (as shown in the following pic)


Step 5 :

Type the command configure (this command will check all the modules and set the path)

Type the command make (This will run for at least 10 minutes, but may vary machine to machine)

Once everything is done, you will get a successful message and type omnetpp to open the IDE

(Please Install JDK before all these steps, as Omnet++ IDE is based on Eclipse which needs JDK to be installed)

1 comment:

  1. I installed omnet++4.1 as per steps given by you.Before this I installed JDK1.7.0_15.
    I could run Hello.java program in cmd.
    make were successfull
    but when omnetpp command given to open IDE,

    message JDK terminated,exit code=-1.

    Plz tell the solution for same
