
Installing OMNET ++ in Fedora 10

Download Omnetpp from the following website


untar it using the command

tar zxvf omnetXXXX.tgz (I have installed in /home/pradeepkumar/)

open terminal -> go to the folder using --> cd /home/pradeepkumar/omnet-xxx/

Execute the following commands

./configure (if any errors, then install the required packages)

it may ask for tcl/tk developement package

yum install tcl-devel tk-devel

if installed, then execute

make (thats it!!!)

(NB: you need to have Java installed on your machine for installing Omnet++)


  1. hi..
    i have not get the omnet++ version 2.3
    so plz help me.

  2. hi i have installed omnet-3.4b1 after installation i have run the examples that are running successfully but when i write the command omnetpp in the terminal error has been occured that no command found kindly tell me that how to open.
