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Showing posts from February, 2010

TCS Presentation Files

Module 1 - Software Development Process Module 2 - Requirement Engineering Module 3 - System Design OverView Module 4 - Reviews, Walkthroughs and Inspection Module 5 - Testing and Debugging Module 6 - Software Maintenance Module 7 - Object Oriented Concepts Module 8 - OOAD using UML UML Example

Installing OMNET ++ in Fedora 10

Download Omnetpp from the following website untar it using the command tar zxvf omnetXXXX.tgz (I have installed in /home/pradeepkumar/) open terminal -> go to the folder using -->  cd /home/pradeepkumar/omnet-xxx/ Execute the following commands ./configure (if any errors, then install the required packages) it may ask for tcl/tk developement package yum install tcl-devel tk-devel if installed, then execute make (thats it!!!) (NB: you need to have Java installed on your machine for installing Omnet++)