A system call is used by application or user programs to request service from the operating systems. Since the user programs does not have direct access to the kernel whereas the OS has the direct access. OS can access the hardware through system calls only. The following files has to be modified for implementing a system call /usr/src/linux- /usr/src/linux- /usr/src/linux- /usr/src/linux- New set of files to be created Create a new directory newcall/ inside the path “ /usr/src/linux- ” Create new files Makefile, newcall.c and put them in the /usr/src/linux- folder Create new user files (in any folder of Linux) to test the system call testnewcall.c, testnewcall.h (created in /home/pradeepkumar ) syscall_table_32.S Find the file /usr/src/linux-
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