
Installation of OMNeT++ in Linux Mint 16

This blog post shows the installation of OMNeT++ in Linux Mint 16 (Ubuntu 13.10) . Linux Mint 16 is just launched this week and Linux Mint is derived from the Base source of Ubuntu 13.10

Let us see, how to install OMNeT++ in Linux Mint.

My Settings

  • Used Linux Mint 16 (Petra) 32 Bit OS (As OMNeT++ libraries are mainly 32 bit libraries)
  • OMNeT++ Version 4.3
  • Unlike Windows 7 or 8, you need to download some extra softwares in Linux
You can also see the following link if you want to try OMNeT++ in Windows 7 or Windows 8.  http://www.nsnam.com/2013/12/installation-of-omnet-in-windows-8-and.html

1. Download the OMNeT++ package from this  URL http://www.omnetpp.org/omnetpp/doc_download/2266-omnet-431-source--ide-tgz
See the Screenshot below and Select the first link 

2. Unzip it using the following command  
tar zxvf omnetpp-4.3.1.tgz
3. Install the following libraries 
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev tcl tk tcl-dev tk-dev bison byacc swig zlib1g-dev flex 
4. The above download will take 40MB of software and will take time depending on your internet speed.
5. Go to the folder of OMNeT++ using the command
Prompt#] cd omnetpp-4.3.1
Prompt#] ./configure (This command will check for the necessary software included or not). Once succeeded, you need to set some PATH and TCL_LIBRARY Information.  See the Screenshot of my /home/pradeepkumar/.profile (if you are using Ubuntu, you may be having the .bashrc file instead of .profile). Here is the PATH information
export TCL_LIBRARY=/usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5
export PATH=$PATH:/home/pradeepkumar/omnetpp-4.3.1/bin

Prompt#]  make

This make will take atleast 5 minutes to compile all the modules. 
.profile file 

Once done,  open the software using the command omnetpp
Thats it!!!.

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